Results for 'Duc V. Le'

962 found
  1.  41
    Embedding artificial intelligence in society: looking beyond the EU AI master plan using the culture cycle.Simone Borsci, Ville V. Lehtola, Francesco Nex, Michael Ying Yang, Ellen-Wien Augustijn, Leila Bagheriye, Christoph Brune, Ourania Kounadi, Jamy Li, Joao Moreira, Joanne Van Der Nagel, Bernard Veldkamp, Duc V. Le, Mingshu Wang, Fons Wijnhoven, Jelmer M. Wolterink & Raul Zurita-Milla - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-20.
    The European Union Commission’s whitepaper on Artificial Intelligence proposes shaping the emerging AI market so that it better reflects common European values. It is a master plan that builds upon the EU AI High-Level Expert Group guidelines. This article reviews the masterplan, from a culture cycle perspective, to reflect on its potential clashes with current societal, technical, and methodological constraints. We identify two main obstacles in the implementation of this plan: the lack of a coherent EU vision to drive future (...)
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    Innovations in creative education for tertiary sector in Australia: present and future challenges.Hiep Duc Nguyen, Le Thi Mai & Duc Anh Do - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (11):1149-1161.
    Recent significant changes in technology such as Artificial Intelligence and big data analysis have a wide impact in many areas of human societies, not least in education. Advances in efficien...
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  3. Branigan, HP, B13.V. Christian, N. le CrawfordGrosset, F. W. Hesse, J. Huttenlocher, G. Kempen, U. Oestermeier, H. K. J. van der Lely & T. Vosse - 2000 - Cognition 75:267.
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    Adaptation to nocturnality – learning from avian genomes.Diana Le Duc & Torsten Schöneberg - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (7):694-703.
    The recent availability of multiple avian genomes has laid the foundation for a huge variety of comparative genomics analyses including scans for changes and signatures of selection that arose from adaptions to new ecological niches. Nocturnal adaptation in birds, unlike in mammals, is comparatively recent, a fact that makes birds good candidates for identifying early genetic changes that support adaptation to dim‐light environments. In this review, we give examples of comparative genomics analyses that could shed light on mechanisms of adaptation (...)
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    Drug Repositioning by Integrating Known Disease-Gene and Drug-Target Associations in a Semi-supervised Learning Model.Duc-Hau Le & Doanh Nguyen-Ngoc - 2018 - Acta Biotheoretica 66 (4):315-331.
    Computational drug repositioning has been proven as a promising and efficient strategy for discovering new uses from existing drugs. To achieve this goal, a number of computational methods have been proposed, which are based on different data sources of drugs and diseases. These methods approach the problem using either machine learning- or network-based models with an assumption that similar drugs can be used for similar diseases to identify new indications of drugs. Therefore, similarities between drugs and between diseases are usually (...)
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  6. Mandatory Prosecution in the Changing Time: A Systematic Literature Review.Lan Chi Le, Son Thanh Mai, Yen Hai Hoang, Duc Quang Nguyen, Thanh Nga Pham & Hai Thanh Luong - forthcoming - Criminal Justice Ethics.
    The principle of mandatory prosecution (MP) is respected, extensively applied, and has a long-standing tradition in continental European countries, and it is highly valued in socialist nations. However, in recent decades, there has been a notable shift in its implementation within these countries, with numerous studies reflecting this change by presenting diverse perspectives on the necessity to alter, modify, or preserve this principle. One of the primary aims of this paper is to examine the scope of research on responses to (...)
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    Genèse phénoménologique de la reconnaissance: La chair, l’autre et le corps propre.David-Le-Duc Tiaha - 2011 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 2 (2):146-170.
    En amont des représentations collectives et des formes instituées de la vie sociale, cet article se propose d’étudier l’articulation de l’intersubjectivité et de l’incarnation dans la constitution du soi et de l’autre comme une genèse phénoménologique de la reconnaissance à travers la lecture ricoeurienne de la cinquième des Méditations cartésiennes publiée dans À l’école de la phénoménologie. Lors de la donation du sens ego dans l’intersubjectivité, la constitution de la reconnaissance sur le plan de la perception se fait grâce aux (...)
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  8.  40
    Saisir les relations temporelles dans des récits d’élèves : quels enjeux pour l’analyse de corpus?Solveig Lepoire-Duc & Jean-Pierre Sautot - 2017 - Corpus 16.
    Le but de la recherche est de construire une base de données fonctionnant sur les principes de l’informatique décisionnelle. L’objet de la communication est de décrire la hiérarchie des diverses dimensions de la base de données. Elle permettra d’observer la diversité des relations temporelles dans des textes enfantins. L’analyse s’appuie sur un corpus de 200 récits d’élèves de cycle 3 de l’école élémentaire française. La communication questionne : - le découpage séquentiel du texte - l’analyse interne des séquences - la (...)
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  9. La réserve de sens de la Lebenswelt. Enjeu de l’entrecroisement de la phénoménologie et de l’herméneutique.David-Le-Duc Tiaha - 2013 - Studia Phaenomenologica 13:157-183.
    The hermeneutic turn in Ricœur’s phenomenological ontology of the 1960 cannot be considered a break with his methodological approach of philosophy. In fact, as early as 1950 he had already initiated a first attempt to conjoin phenomenology and hermeneutics by relating eidetic description and explanation. The main purpose of the present analysis is to clarify the constellations constituting the structure of mutual determination between phenomenology and hermeneutics. The paper will focus on the question of the Lebenswelt, as reserve of meaning, (...)
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  10.  27
    Envisager l’idéologie et l’utopie depuis une phénoménologie du p'tir et de l’agir.David-Le-Duc Tiaha - 2022 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 13 (1):138-165.
    I pursue here a wish of Ricœur: to analyze ideology and utopia from a genetic phenomenology, in the sense of Husserl in the _Cartesian Meditations_, which “strives to dig under the surface of apparent meaning to the most fundamental meanings.” A single innovative interest guides my proposal between two contrasting phenomenologies of the imagination in Michel Henry and Paul Ricœur: to root, on the one hand, the dialectical mediation of ideology and utopia in the living immanence of the affective imagination (...)
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  11.  30
    Adaptive Integral Second-Order Sliding Mode Control Design for Load Frequency Control of Large-Scale Power System with Communication Delays.Anh-Tuan Tran, Bui Le Ngoc Minh, Phong Thanh Tran, Van Van Huynh, Van-Duc Phan, Viet-Thanh Pham & Tam Minh Nguyen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-19.
    Nowadays, the power systems are getting more and more complicated because of the delays introduced by the communication networks. The existence of the delays usually leads to the degradation and/or instability of power system performance. On account of this point, the traditional load frequency control approach for power system sketches a destabilizing impact and an unacceptable system performance. Therefore, this paper proposes a new LFC based on adaptive integral second-order sliding mode control approach for the large-scale power system with communication (...)
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  12.  42
    Trois lettres à jean-frédéric de hanovre sur le problème de la liberté.Leibniz au Duc Jean-Frédéric - 2002 - Philosophie 75 (4):7.
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    Book Review. Une note de lecture du cinquième volume des Écrits et conférences de Ricœur. Pour un dialogue apaisé entre philosophie et religion. [REVIEW]David-le-Duc Tiaha - 2022 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 13 (1):168-183.
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  14. The Status of Educational Sciences In Vietnam: A Bibliometric Analysis From Clarivate Web Of Science Database Between 1991 And 2018.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Do Minh Trang, Pham Thi Van Anh, Thi-An Do, Phuong-Thuc Doan, Anh-Duc Hoang, Thu-Hang Ta, Quynh-Anh Le & Hiep-Hung Pham - 2020 - Problems of Education in the 21st Century 78 (4):644-662.
    Since 2013, Vietnam has implemented a plan to reform the whole education sector. However, there is little understanding on the status of educational research in Vietnam, which may lay the foundation for such plan. Thus, this research aims to analyze the whole picture of educational research from Vietnam, as seen from the Clarivate Web of Science (WOS) database: 215 publications were recorded, ranging from 1991 to 2018. These 215 publications were further analyzed from five perspectives: 1) number of publications by (...)
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  15.  72
    A bond graph model of the cardiovascular system.V. Le Rolle, A. I. Hernandez, P. Y. Richard, J. Buisson & G. Carrault - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (4):295-312.
    The study of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) function has shown to provide useful indicators for risk stratification and early detection on a variety of cardiovascular pathologies. However, data gathered during different tests of the ANS are difficult to analyse, mainly due to the complex mechanisms involved in the autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system (CVS). Although model-based analysis of ANS data has been already proposed as a way to cope with this complexity, only a few models coupling the main (...)
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  16.  21
    Les symptômes de la temporisation. Langages et significations Des maladies idoines d'un grand: Louis de gonzague, Duc de Nevers 1585-1588.Xavier Le Person - 2000 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 62 (2):259-302.
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    Sensitive biomarkers of alcoholism's effect on brain macrostructure: similarities and differences between France and the United States.Anne-Pascale Le Berre, Anne-Lise Pitel, Sandra Chanraud, Hélène Beaunieux, Francis Eustache, Jean-Luc Martinot, Michel Reynaud, Catherine Martelli, Torsten Rohlfing, Adolf Pfefferbaum & Edith V. Sullivan - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  18. Filosofii︠a︡ i literatura kak ėlementy smysloobrazovanii︠a︡: sbornik stateĭ.V. E. Lëvkin (ed.) - 2003 - Ti︠u︡menʹ: Vektor Buk.
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  19. Filosofii︠a︡ v "Ėnt︠s︡iklopedii" Didro i Dalambera.Denis Diderot, Jean Le Rond D' Alembert & V. M. Boguslavskiĭ (eds.) - 1994 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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  20. Les (hyle): problema materii, istorii︠a︡ poni︠a︡tii︠a︡, zhivai︠a︡ materii︠a︡ v antichnoĭ i sovremennoĭ biologii.V. V. Bibikhin - 2011 - Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka.
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  21.  45
    V. Laurent, Le Corpus Des Sceaux De L'empire Byzantin.V. Grumel - 1968 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 61 (1).
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  22. Tsaḥ ṿe-adom: pirḳe maḥshavah ʻal ha-yaḥas she-ben ha-ḳodesh le-tevaʻ..Avraham Ṿazana - 2014 - Beʼer Shevaʻ: [Avraham Ṿazana].
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  23. Sefer Maṭʻamim le-avi: halakhot, beʼurim, ʻiyunim ṿe-heʻarot be-mitsṿat haḳbalat pene ha-rav ba-regel uvi-sheʼar ʻitot ha-shanah ; Ḳunṭres hadran le-siyum Shishah sidre Mishnah: be-ʻinyan hitḳashrut talmid le-rabo.Yaʻaḳov Ṿais - 1995 - Yerushalayim: Y. ben A.Y. Ṿais. Edited by Yaʻaḳov Ṿais.
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  24. Sefer Mishpeṭe shekhenim: ṿe-hu madrikh le-hilkhot shekhenim.Eliʻezer Śimḥah ben Shelomoh Ṿais - 1997 - Bene-Beraḳ: Le-haśig et ha-sefer, R. Hofman.
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  25.  22
    Density and density fluctuations anomalies of SiO2glass: comparison and light-scattering study.B. Champagnon, V. Martinez, C. Martinet, R. Le Parc & C. Levelut - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):691-695.
  26.  28
    Portfolio Flows to Emerging Capital Markets: Do Corporate Transparency and Public Governance Matter?Niranjan Chipalkatti, Quan V. Le & Meenakshi Rishi - 2007 - Business and Society Review 112 (2):227-249.
    This paper focuses on flows to emerging capital markets (ECMs) and examines the importance of corporate transparency and public governance in attracting portfolio flows to ECMs. This paper's empirical investigation centers on the hypothesis that ceteris paribus, ECMs with better quality accounting standards and good governance attract higher levels of portfolio equity and bond flows. To assess the incremental impact of each of these factors, a pooled time series, cross‐sectional model was econometrically tested for 17 ECMS over the 1998–2002 time (...)
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  27. Filosofii︠a︡, nauka, chelovek: problemy i perspektivy.L. P. Ermolaeva, M. Kūle & V. Markovs (eds.) - 1990 - Riga: Institut filosofii.
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  28. Giáo duc thẩm mỹ và xây dựng con người mới Việt Nam.Anh Trà Lê - 1982 - Hà Nội: Sự thật.
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  29. Sefer Imrato arets: bo baʼu niḳbetsu kol hilkhot yiḥud li-khelalehen u-feraṭehen, kolel maśa u-matan ba-Shas uva-posḳim rishonim ṿe-aḥaronim ʻad li-gedole posḳe dorenu uve-śimat dagesh le-khol ḥiluḳe ha-dinim ben bene Sefarad ha-holkhim aḥar horaʼot Maran ha-Sh. ʻa., le-ven bene Ashkenaz ha-yotseʼim be-yad Rema.Amir Ṿaler - 2016 - Reḥovot: [Amir Ṿaler].
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  30. Ḳovets Tifʼeret avot: pirḳe toladot tsaṿaʼot me-avot ha-mishpaḥah le-mishpaḥat Ṿingoṭ.Reʼuven Ṿingoṭ - 2001 - Yerushalayim: Reʻuven Ṿingoṭ.
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  31.  10
    Dat ha-netsaḥ ṿe-tsorkhe shaʻah: ʻal ha-dinamiyut shel ha-Halakhah be-maḥshevet Yiśraʼel ṿe-hashṿaʼat ha-Halakhah, ha-mishpaṭ ha-Ḳanoni ṿeha-din ha-Muslemi be-yaḥasam le-shinuyim.Zeév W. Falk - 1986 - Yerushalayim: Mesharim.
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  32. Le Spinozisme.V. Delbos - 1916 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 81:601-606.
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    La physique quantique et Les idéalisations classiques.V. Fock - 1965 - Dialectica 19 (3‐4):223-245.
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  34. Le-haṭot levavenu elaṿ: ʻal meḳomo shel ha-lev ba-ʻavodat H.Yonatan Ṿaserṭail & Yiśraʼel Ṿondi (eds.) - 2004 - [Jerusalem]: ha-Makhon ha-Yiśreʼeli le-firsumim Talmudiyim.
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  35. (1 other version)Les grands courants de l'esthetique allemande contemporaine.V. Basch - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21:624.
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  36. Les chevaliers du néant ou la mort comme maître absolu.V. Bergen - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 101:35-42.
  37.  14
    (1 other version)Le dieu de Spinoza.V. Brochard - 1908 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 16 (2):129 - 163.
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  38. Le problème de la compréhension dans les sciences sociales.V. Cernik - 1989 - Filozofia 44 (5):546-565.
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  39. Le problème de l'homme dans la philosophie de l'être de M. Heidegger.V. Cernik - 1989 - Filozofia 44 (1):9-13.
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  40. Les baptisés pour les morts.V. G. C. - 1890 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 23 (2):187.
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  41. (1 other version)Les Facteurs de la Philosophie Allemande de la Fin du XVIIIe et du Commencement du XIXe Siecles.V. Delbos - 1921 - Philosophical Review 30:539.
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  42. "Sur les rapports de la Logique et de la Métaphysique de Leibniz": Discussion.V. Delbos - 1901 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 2:65.
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  43. Le statut de la sémiotique dans l'analyse des formes concrètes de la conscience sociale.V. Drozda - 1989 - Filozofia 44 (2):205-217.
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  44. (1 other version)Le moi des mourants.V. Egger - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5:313.
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  45. Le Thomism et les resultats de la psychologie experimentale.V. Ermoni - 1898 - Philosophical Review 7:657.
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  46.  26
    Les ateliers de céramique byzantine de Nicée/Iznik et leur production (Xe-début XIVe siècle).Véronique François V. - 1997 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 121 (1):411-442.
    From the point of view of ceramics, Iznik is famous for its output of pottery and painted polychrome faïence produced in the imperial workshops established in the town during the Ottoman period. To explain this choice of location, it has been suggested, without any concrete proof, that a well-established potting tradition had previously existed in the region. Discoveries on the spot together with a study of the Byzantine pottery preserved in the museum enabled me to demonstrate the existence of Byzantine (...)
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  47.  8
    Les apories du concept de «citoyenneté universelle» chez Dahrendorf.V. Giacopini - 1990 - Actuel Marx 8:119-131.
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  48. Le Langage martien.V. Henry - 1901 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 52:551-552.
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  49. Les travaux récents de psychophysique.V. Henri - 1894 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 38:501.
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  50. Les travaux récents de psycho-physique.V. Henri - 1899 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 47:297.
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